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时间:2013-03-07 来源: 作者: 点击:

New model for wave–induced residual liquefaction in porous seabed


Prof. Dong-Sheng Jeng

University of Dundee, UK



时间:2013311(周一)  16:00





In general, two mechanisms of wave-induced liquefaction (or pore pressures) in a porous seabed have been reported in the literature. Recently, my research group made some progresses in the development of residual liquefaction. In this presentation, I will summarise our recent advances in this area, with the following focuses: (1) mechanism of oscillatory and residual mechanisms; (2) clarify the importance of each mechanism; (3) the new two-dimensional model for residual soil liquefaction with a new concept. At the end of presentation, I will alos outline several hot topics in this area.



Prof. Dong-Sheng Jeng is currently working at Division of Civil Engineering, University of Dundee. He received his Doctoral Degree from the University of Western Australia. He was also at the Griffith University and University of Sydney before as a staff member. He has been working in the area of offshore geotechnics since 1993. His most significant contributions have been in the field of coastal geotechnical engineering, specifically issues associated with wave–seabed–structure interaction (WSSI), which has a major bearing on the understanding and construction of coastal structures. Currently, Prof. Jeng’s group is working on the development of poro-elastoplastic models for post-liquefaction and densification in marine sediment under dynamic loadings. He has won a large number of competitive research grants in offshore and coastal geotechnics and has published over one hundred journal papers in most of the leading Geotechnical Engineering and other journals.



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